Go fit
Go Fit is a digital and social platform that unites and encourages college students to adopt healthier lifestyles that fit into a busy student schedule in a way that they do not feel overwhelmed.

Our project Go Fit is designed to demystify exercise by informing and encouraging college students to build long-term sustainable healthier habits using the city landscape at no cost. It also provides a collaborative space for users to learn from their peers and share their personal achievements.
The project, developed for the Design in a Global Society and Economy module for our master studies and its purpose was to explore Transmedia Storytelling and Wicked problems. The team was conformed by:
Ximena Matus (Guatemala) Mdes Service Design Innovation
Nole Suwanparin (Thailand) Mdes Service Design Innovation
Adanma Odefa (Nigeria) Mdes Social Innovation

THE app
The app was designed to encourage users to be active, not only physically, but in an online community. They will benefit from features like:
Tips and information
and more!